Charging Bull statue vandalized during climate change protest

Climate change protesters took to the streets outside the New York Stock Exchange to stage a die-in Monday. During the protest, the iconic Charging Bull statue was vandalized.

SkyFox was overhead at around 11:30 a.m. as people, covered in what looked like blood but was likely paint, lay on the ground.

The incident was spread out through the area of Broad Street and Wall Street.

Several blocks over, the charging bull statue was damaged with red paint.

One protester waving a green flag climbed on top of the bull.

Crews were quickly at work cleaning up the statue.  It appeared to be paint-free a short time later.

The group- Extinction Rebellion- is holding disruptive peaceful civil disobedience protests in cities around the world to pressure governments to do more about climate change.

More than two dozen people were reportedly arrested during the protest.

The Charging Bull was vandalized during a climate change protest. Crews went to work quickly to remove the red paint from the bull.