Central Park bomb survivor recovering with prosthetic leg

A man who lost his leg from the knee down following an explosion in Central Park in July is recovering with a new prosthetic.

A new photo of Connor Golden, 18, was posted on his GoFundMe page Monday, which has raised nearly $72,000.

The money is being used to pay for the leg and his medical bills.

Golden, a student at the University of Miami, who was hiking with two friends, stepped on a homemade bomb on July 3, tearing apart his left foot.

The explosive device was found to be a pre-Independence Day "experiment," according to the NYPD.

No arrests have been made in the horrific incident.

In the new photo, Golden is smiling and walking with crutches.

He posted a message to the site:

I cannot find words that adequately express my gratitude for how much hope and support you all have given me. It is a beautiful thing to see how many people are by my side when a tragedy like this strikes. Friends, family, and compassionate people I have never met – including fellow amputees, New Yorkers, fellow students and alumni, and those having a shared interest in music or scouting – have decided to help. I want everyone to know how much your support means to me.

This past week, I returned to school and took my first steps on a prosthetic leg, which all of you have helped me pay for (in addition to other medical bills and recovery expenses). I am posting with this note a photo of me at the prosthetist’s office on the day I received the prosthetic leg. You’ll see that I’m smiling in the photo. That’s not just because I’m happy to begin walking again. It’s also because I am so grateful for the huge amount of love and caring that has taken me from the shock of July 3 in Central Park, through the very difficult operations at Bellevue hospital, through police questioning and media pressure, through the healing process while at my parents’ house in Northern Virginia, through my trip back to school while on a wheelchair and crutches, to standing on my new leg.

Forever grateful,