Can NYC do anything about noise?

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The NYPD responded to more than 200,000 311 calls for noise complaints just this year, the department said. Last year, inspectors from the city's Department of Environmental Protection handled more than 58,000 noise complaints.

Construction worker Shawn Garley said that is the price you pay to live here.

"We are building and improving our infrastructure and everything else, so people kind of got to deal with it," Garley said. "You want roads and new buildings we have to put them up eventually."

In an effort to combat the noise, two City Council members recently introduced a bill that would require the city to respond to a noise complaint within two hours. Right now, there is no legally mandated deadline to respond.

"I think the legislation begins to up the ante and to make it possible that some of these complaints can be dealt with," said Sigmund Shipp, an associate professor of urban policy and planning at Hunter College. Shipp said he believes multiple city agencies are to blame for the excessive noise.

"They haven't been as compliant as they possibly could," he said.

A spokesperson for DEP said: "While the legislation is well intended, DEP is actively evaluating possible adjustments to the Noise Code that will aid in our enforcement efforts, including empowering inspectors with the authority to issue violations against construction companies that have permits to work after hours."

The DEP also said the Department of Buildings gives permits for work after hours and DEP inspectors can't issue a violation to a company that has a permit.

The DOB responded that it gives out after-hours permits because removing construction and debris from a building at night is safer because fewer people are on the sidewalk.

The City Council will vote on the bill by the end of the year.