Boy, 16, charged in fatal Brooklyn broad daylight shooting of teen

A 16-year-old boy has been arrested and charged in connection to a broad daylight shooting that left a 17-year-old boy dead in Brooklyn, the NYPD said.

According to police, the teen is charged with murder and criminal possession of a weapon.

The incident happened back on March 15 just before 5 p.m. near Saratoga Avenue and Prospect Place in Brownsville.

Police said the teen encountered an unknown male, who proceeded to display a firearm and shoot the victim in the chest before fleeing on foot.

The suspect was described as a male in his late teens-20's, with a dark complexion, medium build, black hair and brown eyes. (NYPD)

The victim, identified as Graig Bassett, was transported to Interfaith Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead, police said.

Police had described the suspect as a man in his late teens-20's, with a dark complexion, medium build, black hair and brown eyes last seen wearing black sneakers with a Nike logo on the side, black pants, a black jacket, black hooded sweatshirt and a black facemask.