Boy finds his cat shot with an arrow
An arrow was stuck in Tigger's hind legs. (Courtesy of Bridget Bolon and Aaron Albery)
TUSCARAWAS COUNTY, Ohio - Bridget Bolon, of Tuscarawas County, Ohio, got an alarming phone call from her 12-year-old son on Saturday: their pet cat, Tigger, had been shot with an arrow.
Then Bolon and her boyfriend rushed home and found Tigger on the kitchen floor a huge arrow sticking in his hind legs.
"We had to cut the arrow to stabilize the arrow, to keep it from moving so much, because the hole was just gaping," Bolon said.
Then they rushed the cat to an emergency animal clinic to be treated.
Sheriff Orvis Campbell said his deputies are investigating but have no leads at this time.
"We're very concerned about the possibility that if somebody thought this was funny, that there could be more," Campbell said.
But he also acknowledged that what happened may have been accidental.
"Certainly if we find out it was intentional abuse we would be asking for criminal charges from our prosecutor on that," Campbell said. "It's important for society to never tolerate abuse, of any kind."

Tigger's owners removed an arrow from the cat's body. (Courtesy of Bridget Bolon and Aaron Albery)
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