Bindi Irwin gives birth, honors late father with baby's name

 Chandler Powell and Bindi Irwin attend The Paley Center For Media Presents: An Evening With The Irwins: "Crikey! It's The Irwins" Screening And Conversation at The Paley Center for Media on May 03, 2019 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Jon Ko …

Bindi Irwin and her husband Chandler Powell have welcomed a baby girl on their first wedding anniversary.

They named the girl Grace Warrior Irwin Powell.

Posting a photo with her baby and husband, Bindi wrote: "Celebrating the two loves of my life. Happy first wedding anniversary to my sweetheart husband and day of birth to our beautiful daughter Grace Warrior Irwin Powell."

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Grace is named after her great-grandmother and relatives in her husband’s family.

Her middle names, Warrior Irwin, are a tribute to Bindi's dad.


Bindi wrote:  "There are no words to describe the infinite amount of love in our hearts for our sweet baby girl. She chose the perfect day to be born and we feel tremendously blessed."

The baby was born at 5:52 p.m. on Thursday, March 25, 2021.  She was 20 inches long and weighed 7-pounds and 7-ounces.