Aurora dog bark law: City limits how long a dog can bark
Illinois city limits how long a dog can bark
A Chicago suburb is going to crack down on dogs that bark too much.
A city in the Chicago suburbs is regulating how long a dog can bark.
Aurora has approved a new "excessive noise" law. If a dog barks for more than 15 minutes at a time between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. the owner could get a $100 ticket.
Neighbors would need to make recordings or find multiple witnesses to report a violation.
The city is also limiting how many cats or dogs a household can have as pets at one time.
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The new law limits a family to have 4 pets and only 2 of one type without approval from the city's animal control agency. Ferret, rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters fall under the same rules.
Pets already in a household would be grandfathered under the law.