As ICE raids loom, Cardinal Dolan celebrates Mass for immigrants

With ICE expected to begin raids in at least 10 cities across the United States on Sunday, Timothy Cardinal Dolan held a Mass Saturday at the shrine for the patron saint of immigrants, Mother Cabrini in Washington Heights.

Many parishioners at the service lit candles and prayed for loved ones who might be targeted by the raids.

In his remarks, Cardinal Dolan spoke about the various refugees and immigrants found throughout the bible and promised that the Catholic Church will do everything in its power to protect immigrants.

 “I just got a message from one of our wonderful parish priests in the archdiocese saying that some of his people are calling and saying ‘Father, is it a sin to miss Sunday Mass if we’re afraid to go out of the house, we’re afraid to go to church. That’s how scared some people are,” Cardinal Dolan said. 

“We believe in abiding by the law,” said Monsignor Kevin Sullivan from Catholic Charities. “But we don’t believe in abusing the law.”

Sullivan says that anyone who is afraid this weekend can seek refuge at their local house of worship and if you have any immigration questions, you are urged to call the New York State New Americans Hotline at 1-800-566-7636.
