Angel Flight pilot rescues mother-in-law in Key West

John Leavitt is a pilot with Angel Flight Southeast Space Coast. He's one of 45 pilots who activate after disasters, transporting supplies and rescuing people.  On Thursday, he went to Key West, taking necessary supplies to folks stranded in their homes.

"Twelve cases of water -- mostly Aquafina -- a couple cases of Gatorade, some cases of Powerade... anything we could think of that could be used and would be needed and would last a while."

Leavitt also rescued his own mother-in-law, who at the last minute, chose to ride out the storm in Key West. Her backyard is now a jungle, and she's been without power since Saturday.

"No telephone, no light, no TV, nothing, we [were] stranded," Nihal Roberts explained. 

Leavitt completed a personal and humane mission helping a community that's inaccessible by ground,and took the brunt of Irma's Category 4 power.  Every angel flight is paid for by the individual pilot -- that's supplies and gas. Fuel for this mission was $300 alone. Leavitt says it's the right thing to d.

"Absolutely, wherever we need to go...  today we got the call, and when we get the call, we move."

Leavitt says there are 45 pilots in his crew who will begin making trips to Key West.