344 pigeons found in feces-infested Long Island home

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The Hempstead Building Department executed a search warrant at a home in North Merrick, Long Island, and found more than 300 birds Thursday morning. So they called in backup.

Nassau County SPCA spokesman Gary Rogers arrived at the home in a manicured subdivision and discovered 344 pigeons -- adults and squabs -- flying, flapping and cooing inside. He said it was horrendous. The doors wouldn't open all the way because of the bird droppings.

Paramedics removed a 64-year-old man living inside of this bird house and transported him to the Nassau County Medical Center. That left Gary and his compatriots to figure out what to do with the mess that the resident and his feathered roommates left behind.

Gary said the house had literally become a pigeon coop that was never cleaned. The home had no running water. SPCA workers waded through 2 feet of pigeon droppings and seeds to catch, cage and remove every bird inside.

Still no word on the homeowner, the man removed from the home, or how all those birds got there.