2 women caught on video inside closed restaurant attempting to fry dumplings
Women fry dumplings
The owner of a Chinese restaurant in New York City says two women came in through an unlocked door in one of his establishments and attempted to fry dumplings. Credit: Jason Wang
NEW YORK - The owners of a Chinese food restaurant in New York City shared video of two women they believe were drunk as they attempted to fry dumplings when the restaurant was closed.
Jason Wang of Xi'am Famous Foods says the incident happened at around 12:30 a.m. on Sunday at one of its eight locations. The women were able to open the door due to a power failure.
The women wander around the kitchen until they find dumplings. One of them attempts to fry them while the other serves as a lookout.
After a few minutes, they give up on the cooking, but not before snagging the dumplings on their way out.
"We haven't filed a police report yet, and wanted to provide you with a chance to fix your momentary lapse in judgement (and sobriety apparently)," wrote Wang. "If you do reach out soon, there's no hard feelings, and you can continue to enjoy XFF in the future (when we are open, and pay for your food), and this will just be a funny story to tell your friends."
The restaurant was closed on Sunday to decontaminate the kitchen.