Roller coaster stolen from fair

A 20-foot Go-Gator kiddie roller coaster was reported stolen from the Union County Fairgrounds in Marysville, Ohio, Aug. 28, the Union County Sheriff's Office said in a news release this week.

 "The roller coaster was on a purple and green trailer and has alligator-designed train cars, about 20 ft. total length," the release said.

The getaway vehicle was a Dodge pickup without a front plate, according to deputies leading the search.

The trailer had a Maine license plant.

The Go-Gator was last seen by a traffic camera spotted at a Marysville intersection Aug. 27, the release said.

A women left a comment on the sheriff office's Facebook page saying that the roller coaster belonged to her father and had not been repossessed.

"Please keep an eye out and give the police call if you hear of anything," Danielle Tolve said. "This is my father's ride. It's been in our family for around 35 years and has great sentimental value."
