Navy Yard's Admiral's Row demolished

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Piles of rubble and two deteriorating buildings are what is left now of Admiral's Row in Brooklyn.

Simeon Bankoff is the executive director of the Historic Districts Council, a nonprofit that works to preserve historic city landmarks. Bankoff says that about two weeks ago the demolition began on a strip of century-old mansions, called Admiral's Row, in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. In his opinion, it's a devastating blow to our city's history.

About a decade ago, the federal government gave the entire Navy Yard property to the city. A spokesperson from the mayor's office told Fox 5 these buildings were unsalvageable after decades of neglect. He also said this community is in desperate need of a supermarket, which will be built at the site.

For neighbors unhappy with the situation here, a city spokesperson said this project is meant to help the community. He said that when the development is completed, more than 1,200 permanent jobs are expected to be created.
